Beneficios de la Vitamina B2

Benefits of Vitamin B2

Benefits of Vitamin B2

What is Vitamin B2?

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is one of the B vitamins that is water soluble and yellow in color that is present in the components of coenzymes which catalyze reactions by being attached to an enzyme. Riboflavin works with other B vitamins and is important for the body's growth, in the production of red blood cells, and also in the generation of energy from protein.

What is Vitamin B2 used for? 

Vitamin B is important in our body since it helps in the processes of converting food into glucose and thus producing energy, neutralizing free radicals that damage cells and DNA, preventing or reducing damage or diseases related to aging such as cancer, and converting the vitamin B6 and B9 in active forms. It also contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system and to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion, according to the European Commission.

Scientific studies show that:

Why should we take Vitamin B2?

A deficiency of Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) can occur by not consuming enough foods that contain it, due to certain diseases or hormonal disorders. The groups most vulnerable to this are people with a chronic consumption of alcoholic beverages and medications, people constantly on a diet, people with a vegan diet, people who do not consume dairy and people with a poor diet.

Symptoms of vitamin B2 deficiency are slow growth, digestive problems, skin disorders, mouth ulcers, swollen and cracked lips and tongue, hair loss, sore throat, eye fatigue, swelling, liver disorders, problems in the nervous system and problems in the reproductive system. Its deficiency is also linked to preeclampsia in pregnant women.

A serious and long-term deficiency can cause anemia (reduction of red blood cells), weakness, tiredness and worsening of the sense of sight with the appearance of cataracts.

Where is Vitamin B2 found?

Riboflavin occurs naturally in some foods and is added to many fortified products. Some sources of vitamin B2 are eggs, beef, pork, lamb, and fish, milk, mushrooms, spinach, fortified cereals, bread, avocado, and asparagus.

How and when is Vitamin B2 taken?

The recommended daily amount is 1.3 mg for men and 1.1 mg for women. There are circumstances which increase this dose, however it is not advisable to consume more than 20 mg of Vitamin B2 in a single dose.

A dose of POWER contributes to satisfying the necessary demand for Vitamin B2 in the body.

How does Vitamin B2 work in the brain?

Vitamin B2 has an important role in cellular metabolic processes in energy generation which provides energy for the brain to function properly and efficiently.

This B group vitamin also promotes the development of red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the brain and aid in concentration, attention, coordination, and short-term memory.

Likewise, it has an antioxidant action that manages to neutralize the reactive derivatives of oxygen that cause cell damage, limiting oxidative stress which favors aging and is involved in the development of numerous diseases such as cardiovascular problems and cancer.

What are the benefits of Vitamin B2?

Several people report taking Vitamin B2 supplements to treat acne, muscle cramps, burning feet, and to reduce eye strain.

Although its mechanism of action in the treatment of migraines is not exactly known, a correct dose can reduce the frequency of migraines by up to 50%.

It has also been reported that by supplementing with Vitamin B2 consumers had healthier hair, better skin, better nail maintenance, treated thrush and reduced signs of aging.

More recent studies have proven that patients with autosomal recessive disorders caused by defective FAD-dependent enzymes benefit from supplementation of this vitamin.

What are the side effects of Vitamin B2?

Riboflavin is safe for most people when taken by mouth. In some people, riboflavin can cause the urine to turn a yellow-orange color. When taken in high doses, riboflavin can cause diarrhea, increased urination, and other side effects such as itching, numbness, a burning sensation, and sensitivity to light.

Riboflavin is just one of the eleven ingredients that POWER contains . If you want to know more about the other components, we invite you to click on this link .



    The information presented is supported by scientific biography and is for informational purposes only, however this is not a substitute for medical advice. Do not use this information as a substitute for a specialist.

    Not all possible features, actions and effects are included.

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